Established in 2015, Crossfit Collaboration started by creating a community of members with one goal, to get fit and strong in order to improve or sustain your standards of living.  In 2020, the business went through minor changes and the name changed to CollaboFit. Although the name changed, we continued to offer a service with the same true heart and goals originally established. Even through Covid and additional uncertainty that came after, we pushed to maintain a strong community with the same goals in mind. It's safe to say that we definitely accomplished that!
This next week of June 2024 will unfortunately be the last week for CollaboFit community.  However, it will not be the last week for the hundreds of members who have walked in and out of our doors, as new opportunities have been presented.
We hope that in some way, big or small, we have helped you become stronger individuals in all aspects but most importantly physically, mentally and emotionally, so that you can thrive on your journey through life. We hope we offered you the proper tools and support to adapt to wherever the "fit life" takes you.
To all the members past and present, we thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts.  


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